
2018 - 2019 Program Schedule Posted

Posted on Aug 29 2018 - 11:58pm

Welcome back Troop and Crew 777.  The youth planning meetings are complete and the Troop dates are posted the to the calendar.  The Crew dates will be loaded later this week.  Click Here for a summary document.  

Each campout has been assigned to a Patrol to coordinate, we will need the adults of that patrol to help with logistics.  After we get going, we will also restart the short parent/committee meetings each Tuesday to let the parents know what the boys are doing and what adult help is needed.

Remember, the best way to keep up to date is to use the Calendar Sync feature to add the 777 calendar to your phone or outlook.  Sign-in to the website and click on Calendar Sync in the left menu panel. 

Our primary communication method is via the Tuesday morning eblasts that go to the primary email we have on file for Adults and Scouts.  Please provide Anne Felosak with any updates.

Occasionally, we send out [Announce] emails that are of a more urgent nature.

-David Tischler, Committee Chair

2018 Financials Due

Jan 25 2019
Jan 25 2019

Adult Leader Training

Mar 23 2019 - 12:00pm
Mar 23 2019 - 4:30pm

Adult YPT Class

Oct 1 2018 - 6:00pm
Oct 1 2018 - 8:00pm

All Adults Need to Complete the NEW Youth Protection Training by October

Posted on Oct 15 2018 - 3:28pm

BSA takes youth protection very seriously.  In February, a new version of the Youth Protection Training (YPT) was released and ALL adults (registered or attending camp for 72 hours or more) must retake YPT using this version before 777 can recharter in October.  You have 3 options for completing this requirement:

  1. Online - click here or login to your my.scouting.org account and click on the YPT icon to complete the training prior to Oct 1
  2. In Person classes held by District - click here  to access calendar and then filter on "Youth Protection Training" to register for the date you wish to attend
  3. In Person class held by 777 - on October 16th (Tuesday) starting at 6pm.  Click here to sign up. 

August 2019 Annual Troop Planning Meeting

Posted on Aug 14 2019 - 12:02pm

Meet at FUMC at 8:30 AM on Saturday (8/17).  Return to Northville by 11 AM on Sunday (8/18). 

No cost for the event.  See permission slip for program. 

Basketball Game - FUMC

Posted on Mar 17 2019 - 12:58pm

What - Basketball Game

Where - FUMC

When - 3/21 at 6:30 PM

The church is putting together a basketball game in the gym.  We need to be there at 6:30 pm to play.  

Please sign up and complete the permission slip.  

Cost - It is free to play.  


Committee Meeting

Mar 18 2019 - 7:00pm
Mar 18 2019 - 9:00pm
FUMC Room #4

Committee Meeting

Jun 15 2020 - 7:00pm
Jun 15 2020 - 8:30pm
FUMC Room 4

Committee Meeting

Nov 18 2019 - 7:00pm
Nov 18 2019 - 8:30pm
FUMC Room 4