Laura Guthrie, Rob Roux, Holly Creedon, Carolina Carlos, and Mark Bentley,
On behalf of the Troop/Crew 777 Committee and Troop/Crew 777 Awards Committee, congratulations on earning the 2021 Ottawa District Trailblazer Award! The Trailblazer Award is given to those that have devoted their time and effort toward the advancement of scouting over the past year.
Wood Badge is the highest level of leadership training offered by Scouts, and having completed it should be marked by ceremony and celebration. Trina Klassa just completed her requirements and is inviting anyone from the troop to attend her “beading ceremony” where she will receive the iconic wooden beads that will henceforth be worn as part of the uniform. Please join if you’re able for the ceremony, yard games and refreshments. RSVP to 248.986.5802 by 9/7 to help tally the count.
It is time to re-charter our Troop and Crew with the Boys Scouts of America (BSA) for the year 2020. This means each scout, leader, and adult must register for the upcoming year. Please see the attached chart for the annual payment to Troop/Crew 777. The fee is compromised of 3 parts:
National/BSA fees: We collect this fee and pay this to BSA which registers our Troop for the year 2020.
Michigan Crossroads Council (MCC) Insurance: This is to protect our scouts, leaders, and chartered organizations that support the scouting program.
Unit fee: Supports the scouts of Troop/Crew 777 and their activities, advancements, and running the program.
Optional Scouting Magazine: $12.00 per scout for the entire year ($1.00/per monthly issue). It's a great magazine that offers our youth with fun reading and reinforces Scouting.
We have been working with First United Methodist Church to return to Program in the church. Based on our discussions and following guidelines of the church, state and MCC below are the plans.
Each week every person (Scout, Scouter or Parent) entering the church must complete the online survey electronically. Here is the link. Also the QR code is listed on the main page of our website.
We plan to have a temperature scanner at the Front Entry door. Let’s do our best not to bunch up around the entry way.
We will have someone at the Front Entry door (starting around 6:45 pm) ensuring that you have completed the weekly survey and if not, a QR Code will be provided so that you can complete the survey prior to entry. The electronic solution will be the most efficient way to complete this task. We will utilize paper only as a last resort.
Due to recent state guidelines we are only allowed to have 50 people inside the gym. As a result, we will focus on serving the Youth first and then registered adult leaders to support the Program.
The PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) will meet from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm each week. The Troop meeting will be from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm each week.
While in the church we can only use the gym and the restrooms. The adults will obtain any materials from the storage room. We can use a few of the tables but we must wipe them down after the meeting and return them to storage. We will need to be thoughtful of the activities that take place during Troop Meetings and we will need to wear masks and focus on social distancing while inside.
We appreciate your support and understanding in advance. Everyone’s safety is paramount and we want to follow the rules to the best of our ability so that we can deliver an in person program to serve our Youth. We understand that some may not feel comfortable and would prefer a virtual approach. We will likely have some virtual opportunities as things progress and as we react to any changes that come from the state.