
Eagle Court of Honor Scripts

Library of examples scripts the Eagle Scout can use as reference when creating their own Eagle Court of Honor script.

Eagle Project Presentations

Example of Past Eagle Project Presentations

Eagle Advisor Resource

Resources for Eagle Advisors to use while guiding Scouts to complete Eagle Project Proposals and Eagle Applications

Eagle Project Plates and Plaques

List of companies that supply Eagle Project plates for outdoor and indoor use.
NEW Jan 2025 version - This application must be used to record your Eagle requirements and obtain original signatures
Contact information for people an Eagle candidate needs to interact with during the Project of Application process
Steps for completing 1). Rank; 2). Eagle Project; 3). Eagle Application 4). EBoR
Overview of parent's role
Great Lakes Council instructions on steps to Eagle rank
Link to the BSA site that contains the most recent version of the workbook - try downloading first
Use this to review how well Scout has identified and planned for risks
Use this to determine age requirements for tool use and height restrictions
Instructions for entering your Eagle Project and related service hours on the BSA site. Do this prior to SMC or BoR